Dear Broken Woman

Dear battered, bruised and broken woman,

This is your place, and I know that hurts to hear. You may feel stuck, left behind, and extremely alone. I know I have. This is a hard and thorny valley. And the end isn’t in sight. All your friends may be getting married, having babies, and reaching milestones you thought you’d have long passed by now.

This hard place feels like forever.

Do not despair.

The position you are in right now (single, barren, broken, or just plain fighting inadequacy) does not make you any less of a woman. You are not behind in life. Your loveliness is not based on your work, but in the wonderful work God is doing in you. You are a woman, full and beautiful, with or without a husband, a baby, or a “put-together” life.

The empty feelings we face begin with the lies we believe so easily, so ardently. It is a lie to believe that you need a husband to be a complete person. It is a lie to believe that you are a failure because you are unable to conceive. It is a lie to believe that you are less of a woman because of your heartache, pain, or struggle.

You feel loss, because there is loss to be felt.


Don’t feel that loss to grow bitter. Do not feel loss to relish in self-pity. Feel loss and remember your consuming need for Christ. Feel loss and rest in the beautiful story God is making of your…for your good and His glory.

Let loss, grief, and insufficiency pull you to your knees,  and spring tears from your eyes as you fall into the shadow of God’s wings-the only true healer of your bruised, and battered heart.

This is a tiring season, a time of sorrow for many,  a place of harsh heartbreak, and endless grief, but you are a whole woman in God. In God, your healing will be complete. In God, you story is not broken, but full of purpose. In God, you are free to live right in the middle of shatters and splinters.

And I don’t know your pain, but I do know your Healer. The greatest healing first begins when you believe that God is a sufficient Answer for life’s biggest problems. Do not look for the solution in yourself, in humanity, in the surface answer that satisfies for a time. Look to God. Know Him. Study Him. Draw near to Him. And He will draw near to you.

You are a complete woman in Christ. Beautiful in your broken wholeness!

You can worship God and cry at the same time. Bravely, freely cry out to God. Seek Him through the tears. Know Him through the sorrow. Learn about His love through the pain. Embrace His comfort through the loss.

You are not the lone woman on the bottom rung of society…left behind or forgotten. You are God’s daughter-

precious in His sight,

thought about every day,

pursued by Him every hour,

so very whole,

and imprinted with purpose by the Creator who made you!

So today, I do not know your pain, the ache that keeps you up at night….but I know it’s real and pressing and big. But I also know your Healer. And He is real and present, and stronger. He is God and He is with you. He delights in healing the shattered, splintered, crying-out hearts. That means you right here, right now.



You Have Permission to Be Brave

Your 100% LIFE

You Are the Lonely Woman

10 thoughts on “Dear Broken Woman”

  1. Thank you for this. I counseled at Ironwood for 2 summers and met my spouse there. He had an affair and left me for her and I have felt so broken and left behind. I no longer belong in any social groups I used to belong to because he divorced me. Your blog spoke truth to my heart. Thank you!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Melissa, this is hard to hear…but I am so thankful that your heart was encouraged. I have been struggling through some hard things recently…feelings of being left behind are overwhelming…aren’t you glad we have a God who heals? A God in which there is no such thing as left behind! THANK YOU for sharing with me and encouraging me as we go on our way. In God, we can know healing AND rest! I will be praying for you by name as you continue to seek God in this desolate place.


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