You CAN Celebrate (even if you don’t feel like it at all)

It’s no secret that I love this time of year. It’s always so full of energy. There are new beginnings and hard-earned endings. People celebrate all through May, and it feels like the Christmas season of the spring. I always love a good holiday, but all this happy celebration (just like Christmastime) can punctuate the sadness and struggles you may be facing.

I know that a constant barrage of achievements and college degrees might make you wonder where you really stand. I know that watching wedding after wedding can be emotionally exhausting. I know that one more engagement might tip your heart over the edge. I know that Mother’s Day can be full of grief for whatever reason…missing your own mother, infertility, postpartum depression, miscarriage, not “measuring up” as a mother, etc & so forth.

And you might be asking all sorts of questions,

Am I making it?

Am I falling behind?

Am I doing good enough?

Why do I feel so lost?

So I just want to remind you of some truth.

God made you and you are valuable. God’s purpose for you is to know Him, be known by Him, and make Him known. SO YES this season of your life fits in your purpose! God loves you for you, and delights in making you more like Himself. God thinks of you all the time, and He doesn’t limit His precious thoughts toward you based on your status, station, failure, or achievement. God says you are mine and I am yours!

You are not on a game board with all your friends in which God moves you like a little pawn to the red square and then moves your friend to the green square which happens to be in front of you by a long-shot (in your opinion, anyway). Well, that’s just not how God works. There’s no game-board, no squares, no pawns, and no evil agenda.

There’s you and God.

There’s this life from the God of all life who will make you full of life and then receive you to glory for eternal life!

And you know what?

God will transform this season into a place of beautiful movement for Him. By God’s strength and in His grace, He will move you toward a deeper knowledge of Himself. God will move you toward the healing that is found in the peace of Himself.  God will move you toward a satisfied life in Himself although your circumstances defy it. God will make this season a place for true victory.  And He will transform it by the beauty of Himself.

You might feel like you’re living in a broken story, but God’s story in you is far from broken. Your dreams are nothing compared to God’s plans. Your thoughts are not God’s thoughts. Your ways are not God’s ways. God will not leave you unfinished, so you can stop fast-forwarding your story. God really knows what’s He’s doing, and this season is a part of it. 

I guess I’m trying to tell you that you are FREE to live and celebrate wherever you happen to be right now! I’m not talking bubbly bursts of enthusiasm. . .I’m talking deep soul celebration.

Celebrate the transformation God is working in your womanhood. Celebrate the confidence you can have in His purpose for you. Celebrate the joy and comfort He gives you for this season of life. Celebrate that His story in you isn’t over yet (and never will be!). Celebrate that you get life with God and that God wants life for you!

Then, cheer on your friends. There’s a pretty good chance they are asking the same troubling questions as you. Remind them of the truth–

God made you and you are valuable. God’s purpose for you is to know Him, be known by Him, and make Him known. SO YES this season of your life fits in your purpose! God loves you for you, and delights in making you more like Himself. God thinks of you all the time, and He doesn’t limit His precious thoughts toward you based on your status, station, failure, or achievement. God says you are mine and I am yours!

If you’re walking with God, then you are exactly where you’re supposed to be right now. Boldly live inside this season without jamming the fast-forward button. You’re not behind or ahead of anyone. You are simply experiencing what it means to live life from the God of all LIFE who desires abundant life for you! If it feels like you’re moving backward or not moving at all, remember that God’s ways aren’t your ways. His thoughts are deeper, wiser, better, best.

So go ahead and breathe in deep.


Your purpose is alive.

Now celebrate.

5 thoughts on “You CAN Celebrate (even if you don’t feel like it at all)”

  1. Reblogged this on Thriving through Life and commented:
    This was such an encouragement to me! In the business of the end of my first semester back in college, I haven’t had the time to write. This blog-post sums up the perspective that I purpose to have as I continue to follow the path God has for me. It’s easy to get discouraged because if I compare my life to others my age, I feel “left-behind,” and “missing out,” a lot of times because I can’t share in the same experiences as many of my peers. The friends I entered college with are already graduated, married, dating, and getting established in their first jobs, while I’m still in school. I could easily feel discontent and “behind,” but the reality is that I am EXACTLY where God wants me to be. If you are in a season that seems “out of sync” with where you thought you should be by now, please give this a read!


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